Completely Frustrated: Set Free

Completely Frustrated: Set Free

Living Free Every Day®
A ministry of

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today's Scripture

"So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death."  Romans 8:1-2 NLT

Thoughts for Today

When Christians keep trying to please God by keeping the Law, they are hanging on to an old relationship. They do not understand that when we become believers, we enter a new relationship with God through Christ.

Two things can happen when we continue trying to earn God's approval. We may feel proud because we think we are doing so well. But that only proves we do not understand the depth of our sinfulness. Or we may feel frustrated and defeated because no matter how hard we try, we fail to be perfect.

Consider this …

Romans 3 mentions things that control every non-Christian: sin, death, and the Law. But today's scripture (among many others) makes it clear we have been set free from the domination of sin and death through our identification with Christ.

Romans 7 shows that our union with Christ also brings us freedom from the Law. The Law has always had one function - to condemn sin. The Law points us to what is right, but it gives us no ability to choose to do what is right. The Law is not a measure to see how good we are but a code that condemns everyone, for all have sinned.

That's why Jesus came. We have all sinned. And on the cross he paid the penalty for our sin. When we receive him into our life and choose to serve him, we are no longer bound by the law. He sets us free!

Does that mean we are free to sin? Of course not. But it means we should walk in obedience out of our love and devotion to God, not to make ourselves worthy for heaven. Only Jesus can do that.


Father, thank you for setting me from the Law and sin and death through Jesus. Help me to serve you not out of a sense of duty or a need to fulfill the law, but out of love and devotion. I thank you for Jesus and the great price he paid to set me free. In his name . . .

These thoughts were drawn from …

Completely Free! A Group Study of Romans 1-8
by Dan Strickland. Everyone struggles from time-to-time, but we can have confidence that in Christ we are completely free from sin's slavery, from condemnation, and from fear of failure. This group study of Romans 1-8 and 12 helps Christians break out of the dull routine of a stagnant spiritual life. Applying the truths found in Romans can transform any believer into a person eager to follow God's will. This study can also serve as a powerful evangelistic tool by explaining the message of salvation as presented in Romans. Suggested uses include home Bible studies, cell groups, Sunday school classes, support groups and personal enrichment.


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