Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
"He who answers before listening��that is his folly and his shame." Proverbs 18:13 NIV
Thoughts for Today
How consistent is your communication with your children?
No matter what their ages, keeping the doors of communication open is vital. Two-way communication. The Bible cautions us to listen before we answer. Talking and listening.
Communication with your child needs to be age specific. Try to avoid detailed explanations to simple questions. Be at eye level with your children as you communicate, especially as they grow older. Use a consistent, even tone of voice. Avoid communication when you are angry or frustrated.
Consider this
Communication takes time��something most of us lack. But communicating with our children should have a high priority in our lives. Healthy families talk to each other a great deal��and they listen.
You can begin developing more family communication by planning at least three evening meals per week with all family members present. Schedule regular quality time with each child individually. Talk to your children��share your heart with them��and listen, really listen.
Father, I know that sometimes my priorities get out of line. I get so busy that communication with my children suffers. Help me develop consistent communication habits with them. And teach me to listen��not thinking ahead to my to-do list or planning my response, but really listening to the words��and the heart. In Jesus' name
These thoughts were drawn from
Godly Parenting: Parenting Skills at Each Stage of Growth by N. Elizabeth Holland, M.D. This study addresses parenting skills from the time of conception until the child has reached adulthood. It suggests methods for raising healthy, godly children in an increasingly secular society. Specific emphasis is placed on communication and teaching skills, discipline, protection and sexual issues at each age. Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a personal study for individuals or couples.
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