Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
Thoughts for Today
In today's scripture, Solomon gives us two options regarding what to trust: God or our own understanding. God is calling us to lean away from the conventional wisdom of self-reliance, and trust (or lean on) the wisdom of God. God wants us to acknowledge his wisdom and trust him in every area of our lives.
What should I do about this relationship? … Which job should I seek? … How will I make the mortgage payment this month? … How can I help my daughter? … What do I do about this decision?
No matter what problem or challenge or circumstance you might be facing, God wants to help. But you have a choice to make: Are you going to lean on your own understanding … or are you going to trust God?
Consider this …
Leaning is all about trust. If you are going to lean against a wall, you have to trust that the wall is not going to collapse, that it will support your weight.
If you are going to lean on God, you need to be ready to trust him. Is he wise enough to help you? Is he interested in helping you? Does he understand the situation and know what is really best for you and for everyone involved?
If you are willing to study the Scriptures with an open heart and mind, you will soon discover that the answer to all these questions is yes. God loves you with a love so great that we can't begin to fathom it. And his wisdom knows no bounds. Begin leaning on him today.
Prayer …
Father, I do want to trust you so that I can truly lean on you. Help me to understand the Scriptures and how they apply to me. Help me to trust you and lean on your wisdom. In Jesus' name …
These thoughts were drawn from …
Authentic Living in an Artificial World by Dr. Mike Chapman. This 45-minute group study gives understanding about what it means to be real. The facilitator's guide includes reproducible group member study sheets and an audio CD designed to help facilitators prepare for each session. Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a study for individuals or couples.
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