Living Free Every Day
Today's Scripture
"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." Jeremiah 29:11-13 NLT
Thoughts for Today
The divorce is final, child custody has been determined, money and property have been assigned. The couple is no longer a couple and each one has to start look at life through as a single. Psychological divorce. This time can be the most difficult, scary and lonely period of the divorce process.
As a new single, you may be thinking, what next? I never thought I'd be alone again. What kind of future can I have? It's good that I can now make my own decisions and plan for my own future. But it is scary to think that I have to make my own decisions and plan for my own future.
Remember--you are not alone! God promises you a future and a hope. He has plans for you, and they are good plans.
Consider this ...
Jesus understands the grief and sorrow you have experienced. "He was despised and rejected—a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief." (Isaiah 53:3 NLT)
He cares about everything that concerns you and wants to help you rebuild your life.
Fix your eyes on Jesus. He will take away the fear and give you perfect peace. He will help you through all the rough spots. He will never let you down.
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock. Isaiah 26:3-4 NLT
Father, the future looks scary, but when I remember You are already there, I am filled with your peace. Help me keep my eyes on Jesus. I thank you that you have promised me a future and a hope. In Jesus' name ...
These thoughts were drawn from ...
Handling Loss and Grief: How to Face Losses in Life and Grieve Christianly by Raymond T. Brock, Ed.D. This study teaches participants what the Bible has to say about handling the losses of life. It offers biblical coping methods for facing loss.
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