Living Free Every Day®
A ministry of
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Today's Scripture
"Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty." Proverbs 21:5 NLT
Thoughts for Today
Although financial difficulties may come from circumstances beyond our control, they are often brought about—or made worse—by unwise family management.
One such culprit is impulsive buying. Buying without regard for need . . . for the quality of the purchase . . . or for the price. Buying to feel good.
Lack of a budget is another symptom of unwise family management. No plan for managing the family money, no plan to limit spending, no guidelines or controls.
Slavery to credit buying has destroyed many families' financial security. According to, as of March 2013 the average credit card debt for U.S. household consumers is a whopping $15,266. Credit cards make it easy to buy on impulse because of convenience, to buy more than we need or can afford. This kind of buying quickly becomes a credit merry-go-round.
And then there is laziness. Too lazy to work. Too lazy to manage money.
Consider this …
Have you fallen into any of these traps? Today's scripture makes it clear that financial prosperity only comes from good planning and hard work. What can you do? First, identify the areas you need to work on. If you are married, sit down with your spouse to prayerfully consider your situation. Don't point fingers. Identify your own contributions to the problems. Together, ask God's forgiveness for the mistakes you see and seek his guidance. Make a plan. Write it down. Discuss what each of you will do to make a difference.
You may find it helpful to seek financial counseling. Perhaps your church offers a course. Check out such resources as or There are many others—your pastor may have recommendations. Or perhaps he can recommend someone in the church who would be willing to coach you through a financial recovery process.
The first steps may be painful . . . but if you are ready to make a change, God will make a way.
Father, forgive me for the mistakes I have made in financial planning. In many ways, I have not been a good steward of the income you have blessed me with. I am ready to do things your way. Please guide me. In Jesus' name . . .
These thoughts were drawn from …

Committed Couples: God's Plan for Marriage & the Family by Dr. Jimmy Ray Lee. Whether in a private or group setting, couples will be encouraged spiritually and romantically as they research biblical principles that affirm their vows. This book can help every married couple grow spiritually and emotionally in their relationship. It is also a great help for engaged-to-be-married couples.
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