Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
"A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel …" Proverbs 1:5 NAS
Thoughts for Today
While caregiving situations differ, studies indicate that adult children, relatives and spouses who take on the responsibility of family caregiver usually find themselves unprepared. Most people lack the information, skills and confidence they need to provide care effectively and efficiently.
Community organizations and government agencies provide various kinds of assistance, from supplying information all the way to in-home care. You will quickly find that most people are ready and eager to help you. To locate organizations in your area, visit or talk to a local senior services agency.
Consider this …
As a caregiver, you will benefit greatly from learning about what is available and then applying for appropriate kinds of help. Your parents' team of healthcare professionals can also be a tremendous source of assistance—especially in helping you understand what is "normal" and giving you an idea of what to anticipate as time goes on. Keep a running list of questions and take the list with you to medical appointments.
Remember … don't be embarrassed or feel guilty about asking for help and advice. God's Word says a wise man will listen and learn.
Lord, sometimes I get in an "I can do it myself" mode, but your Word says that a wise man will seek counsel. Help me to seek counsel in the right places and to listen to good advice. In Jesus' name …
These thoughts were drawn from …
Caregiving: Caring for Aging Parents by Charles Puchta. The purpose of this curriculum is to provide hope and direction to those concerned about the health and well-being of aging parents or an ill spouse or relative. We address predominate issues most families face. Each session is designed to discuss a specific area of concern such as the purpose of a caregiver or end-of-life planning. It will become clear to participants that the Bible provides encouragement and direction to help them through this caregiving journey. Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a study for individuals or couples.
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