Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
"He said, 'If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.'" Exodus 15:26 NIV
Thoughts for Today
God, our heavenly Father, is Jehovah-rapha, "the Lord who heals you."
After God miraculously provided for the Israelites by parting the Red Sea, they continued on their journey. After three days without finding water, they came to Marah and were delighted to see water. Their delight soon turned to grumbling, however, when they discovered that the water was bitter.
As Moses prayed, God instructed him to cast a tree into the water, and the water became sweet. God then spoke the words in today's scripture verse. He told them that he is Jehovah-rapha, the Lord who heals you.
The Old Testament recounts many instances of God providing healing and restoration. And, of course, the New Testament is filled with accounts of people being healed by Jesus, and later through the apostles. What Jehovah did at Marah, what Jesus did throughout the New Testament, he will do today for those who trust and obey him.
Consider this
We all need healing at various times in our lives. Physical, emotional, moral or relationship healing. If you need healing in any area of your life today, listen carefully to God by reading the Bible, by communicating with him in prayer and by seeking godly counsel. Commit to pleasing the Lord, doing things his way. Trust Jesus. God is Jehovah-rapha, the Lord who heals you.
Father, I thank you that you are the Lord who heals me. Thank you that no matter what the need��physical, emotional, moral or relationship��you are the Lord who heals me. In Jesus' name
These thoughts were drawn from
Knowing God My Father: Applying the Names of God to My Personal Life by Jimmy Ray Lee, D.Min. This curriculum is designed to help people strengthen their relationship with their heavenly Father by applying His names to their personal life. Along with helping Christians know God better, it can serve as an evangelistic tool by giving a true picture of God to people who may have a distorted view of Him because of an absent or abusive earthly father who did not or does not provide for them. This group can also help men who want to be better fathers. Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a personal study for individuals or couples.
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