Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." Ephesians 5:21 NIV (Also read Ephesians 5:18-6:4, Galatians 5:13)
Thoughts for Today
In God's plan for the family, each family member has a role to fulfill. God's divine revelation for the family is mutual submission. Each family member is first a child of God. Children of God are to submit to each other out of reverence for Christ. Each family member is called to submit to and respect the other family members' God-given roles. This attitude of mutual respect can pass from generation to generation.
Important lessons about marriage are taught by the parents to the children through verbal and nonverbal communication. These lessons can have a tremendous influencegood or badon children. For example, if a husband loves and respects his wife, his son will probably love and respect his wife. And so on through the generations.
Consider this
God does not view the various family positions in a hierarchy of superior to inferior. Each is given a different, but equally important, role to play. As each one carries out his or her role in the way God has designed, everyone will benefit.
The husband is to honor and submit to his wife's role. To listen to her insights and the special wisdom God has given her. The wife is called to submit to and honor her husband as the spiritual leader of the home. Children are to honor and obey their parents. Parents are to submit to and honor their childrenlistening to the simple wisdom God has blessed them with respecting their God-given talents and gifts and giving room and encouragement to grow in those areas respecting their children's unique traits and helping them grow into the person God has designed them to be.
Mutual submissionout of reverence for Christ.
Father, thank you for your perfect design for the family. Help our family members to understand and fulfill our roles according to your plan. Teach us to respect and submit to each other out of reverence for Christ. In Jesus' name
These thoughts were drawn from
Committed Couples: God's Plan for Marriage & the Family by Dr. Jimmy Ray Lee. Whether in a private or group setting, couples will be encouraged spiritually and romantically as they research biblical principles that affirm their vows. This book can help every married couple grow spiritually and emotionally in their relationship. It is also a great help for engaged-to-be-married couples.
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