Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32 NIV
Thoughts for Today
If you are divorced or have recently experienced a broken engagement or separation, you probably are having painful feelings of rejection. The sense of loss felt in these situations can be overwhelming. You thought you were secure and now you suddenly find yourself on your own. You might even have children to care for and inadequate resources of time and money.
Even though you have been rejected by someone very close to you, your attitude toward that rejection is your choice. You may choose to allow the pain of rejection to dominate and define the rest of your life, causing bitterness, depression and self-pity. Or you may choose to forgive the one who has hurt you, to accept your singleness��at least until God leads you in a different direction��and to move on with your life making the most of each day.
Consider this
Even with positive choices, the pain won't immediately disappear��but it will begin to heal. The time and money challenges will still be there, but you will be able to start dealing with them.
We live in a society of "quick fixes," but recovering from this kind of hurt is a process. Learn to take one step at a time, trusting God to strengthen you and allowing him to love you.
Father, help me to forgive. You have forgiven me of so much, even though I didn't deserve it. Help me to forgive and to begin rebuilding my life. I know I can only do that with your strength, your love and your guidance. Thank you for freely giving me all this and more. In Jesus' name
These thoughts were drawn from
The Single Christian: Living as One in a World of Twos by Dr. Elizabeth Holland. In a world where everyone seems to have a mate, it is difficult to live life as a single person. Whether you have never been married, are divorced or are widowed, this study is for you. In The Single Christian, Dr. Holland examines many of the different facets of singleness, from rejection; bitterness and unforgiveness; loneliness; to dating; single parenting and the positives of being single. Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a personal study for individuals.
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