Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
"I will have much joy in the Lord. My soul will have joy in my God, for He has clothed me with the clothes of His saving power. He has put around me a coat of what is right and good, as a man at his own wedding wears something special on his head, and as a bride makes herself beautiful with stones of great worth." Isaiah 61:10 NLV
Thoughts for Today
Yesterday we focused on faith as the first step in the climb out of depression. Faith in Jesus as our Savior. Faith in God's goodness. Faith in his plan. Another step lifting us out of the pit of depression is goodness. Recognizing that when you received Jesus as your personal savior, he took away all your sin and replaced it with his goodness. He sees you as his child. He sees your potential and the good plans he has for you as you walk with him and trust him.
Consider this
Depression may have brought about irritability, bitterness and even isolation from others in your life. You may be experiencing a sense of worthlessness. But you are far from being worthless. God created you to be a unique and special individual. He has a plan for your life and promises you a future and a hope. He has given you gifts and talents that you can use to touch people's lives.
It is important that you see yourself not as a failure, but as a person God loves. He loves you unconditionally. He cares about everything that affects your life. You are important to him!
A good reminder of all this is found in the Bible in Isaiah 53:4-6. Read through these verses, substituting your name for we and us. Remember You are the person God loves. You are special and unique. You are clothed in his righteousness. And he will always love you unconditionally.
Lord, I thank you that Jesus died for my sins. I thank you that he has replaced the ugliness of my sin with the beauty of his goodness. I thank you that you see me as forgiven and cleansed. Help me put the past behind. Help me remember that I am clothed in the righteousness of Christ. May his goodness be reflected in all that I do. In Jesus' name
These thoughts were drawn from
Understanding Depression: Overcoming Despair through Christ by Donald G. Miles, Ed.D. This study deals with depression, a condition common throughout the world, and is suggested for use in support groups and Christian counseling.
Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a personal study for individuals or couples.
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