Sharing God's Comfort: More About Hope

Sharing God's Comfort: More About Hope

Living Free Every Day®

A ministry of

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today's Scripture

"All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles." (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NLT)

Thoughts for Today

Every day is a struggle for people caught in a life-controlling issue - and for the person helping them. They are both dealing with sensitive and emotional issues. Does that describe your life right now?
The good news is that you do not have to feel alone in the struggle. God is with you. He is merciful, the source of your comfort. 
The Greek word for comfort is paraklesis. It combines the ideas of relief, consolation, and soothing. It is made up of two words: para meaning "beside" and kaleo meaning "to call." To the Christian who is suffering, today's scripture and the words that follow describe a loving Comforter who stands at our side ready to minister to our needs. We are never alone!

Consider this … 

Think about the word comfort. What images does the word bring to your mind? We call a warm, fluffy blanket a comforter. We talk about comfort foods - the kind our mothers made when we were sick as children. 
What kinds of practical ways have you experienced comfort from another person? Perhaps you have been comforted by praying friends, medical professionals, or others who care. We need other people in our lives.
As wonderful as it is to be comforted by others, how much greater still to be comforted by God. He knows our deepest needs and wants to meet them. He is not limited by human understanding. He never sleeps. He is always available.
Turn to him for comfort. His love is unconditional, and he is waiting with open arms.


Lord, I have been so distressed, and sometimes I feel so alone. Help me remember you are always with me. Help me take comfort in your love, in your presence, in your power. In Jesus' name . . .

These thoughts were drawn from …

Close—But Not Too Close
by Dr. Jimmy Ray Lee. A complement to the Concerned Persons small group study, this booklet is written primarily for those who want to help someone close to them who is enslaved by the stronghold of a life-controlling issue. It is also designed to help someone who is suffering the consequences of a loved one's problem. 

We hope these devotions are a blessing to you and to others in your life. We are happy to provide them for you at no cost, but thought you might want to consider a donation to help our ministry with the expense involved. You can safely donate through our website . Thank you!




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