Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
"So they called the two apostles back in and told them that they must never, for any reason, teach anything about the name of Jesus. Peter and John answered, 'Do you think God wants us to obey you or to obey him? We cannot keep quiet about what we have seen and heard.'" Acts 4:18-20 CEV
Thoughts for Today
Yesterday we talked about Paul's eagerness to share the gospel. Today's scripture describes Peter and John's determination to do the same��even under the threat of persecution. "We cannot keep quiet about what we have seen and heard."
Why were they so committed to sharing the good news? Their lives had been touched by Jesus. They KNEW that he was their long-awaited Messiah. They KNEW that he died and rose again. They KNEW that salvation could only come through him. They KNEW that all who trusted in him would be saved. And they were excited about what they knew. They could not keep quiet about what they had seen and heard.
Consider this
How about us? If our lives have been touched by Jesus if we know that he is the Messiah, the Son of God, our Savior if we know that salvation can only come through him if we know that all who trust in him will be saved are we so excited that we cannot keep quiet?
Sadly, we are often lacking this great motivation to share the gospel. We might let busyness and distractions deter us. Perhaps fear slows us down. Maybe we've lost that first love and excitement.
Let us pray that whatever is deterring us we will set it aside and focus on Jesus that our fervor will be restored and that we can join Peter in declaring, "We cannot keep quiet about what we have seen and heard."
Lord, I know I've lost some of my zeal about sharing the gospel with others. My priorities have jumbled. I haven't focused on you as I should. Even though I believe I've been doing good things, I've let the busyness distract me from sharing your message with the lost. Please forgive me and fill me with a fresh excitement and eagerness to talk about what I have seen and heard. In Jesus' name
These thoughts were drawn from
Completely Free! A Group Study of Romans 1-8 by Dan Strickland. Everyone struggles from time-to-time, but we can have confidence that in Christ we are completely free from sin's slavery, from condemnation, and from fear of failure. This group study of Romans 1-8 and 12 helps Christians break out of the dull routine of a stagnant spiritual life. Applying the truths found in Romans can transform any believer into a person eager to follow God's will. This study can also serve as a powerful evangelistic tool by explaining the message of salvation as presented in Romans. Suggested uses include home Bible studies, cell groups, Sunday school classes, support groups and personal enrichment.
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