Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
Jesus said to the people who believed in him, "You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31-32 NLT
Thoughts for Today
When a problem behavior or relationship is developing in our lives, we don't want to face the truth about our actions because of the painful feelings honesty would bring. Instead, we try using defenses to cover the truth or excuse ourselves. Defenses can be used appropriately, but when we use them to avoid facing the truth about ourselves, they make delusion even darker.
Each person has a favorite set of defenses. A few of the commonly used ones are blaming, denying, explaining, joking, justifying, minimizing and rationalizing.
What defenses have you used? And are you using any right now to cover up a problem in your life?
Consider this
Truth brings freedom. One Living Free participant who found freedom from his own delusions said this: "The Bible says the truth shall set you free. And it's interesting because the fear of the truth coming out is ten times worse than the embarrassment, even the ongoing embarrassment, of the actual truth. When it came out, it was like I was free from this ton of bricks I'd been carrying around, the double life I was living."
Are you hiding from the truth in some area of your life? Take a giant step: Be honest with yourself. Be honest with Jesus. Be honest with others. Jesus is the Truth and the truth will set you free!
Father, thank you for your promise that the truth will set me free. Please set me free from delusions in my life. Set me free to become all that you want me to be. In Jesus' name
These thoughts were drawn from
Living Free by Jimmy Ray Lee, D. Min. and Dan Strickland, M. Div. This updated version is presented in two parts. It offers information for anyone who either has a life-controlling problem or has a loved one with a life-controlling problem:
Part 1: Learning to Live Free
Part 2: Helping Others to Live Free through Small Groups
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