Living Free Every Day®
Today's Scripture
"Moses built an altar there and named it Yahweh-nissi (which means 'the LORD is my banner')." Exodus 17:15 NLT
Thoughts for Today
In Exodus 17, we learn that while at Rephidim, the Israelites were attacked by the Amalekites. Moses instructed Joshua to select men for battle and then went to the top of the hill with the staff of God in his hand. As long as his hands were raised, the Israelites experienced victory, but when his hands were lowered, they suffered loss. Aaron and Hur helped Moses by holding his hands up when he tired. After the Israelites had defeated the Amalekites, Moses built an altar and called it Jehovah-nissi��the Lord is my banner." The Israelites had won the battle with the Lord as their banner.
And so we can win the battles we face in life if we will always remember that the Lord is our banner. Just as Moses did, we must persistently surrender all that we are to the Lord and recognize our dependence on him.
When we want to represent a country, school, organization or cause, we adopt its flag/mission/standards as our banner representing our motivation, goals, standards, allegiance. As Christians, God is our banner, representing all that he is. Love, power, grace, compassion, light, protection and so much more. When we are willing to stay focused on him and recognize him as our source, he will bring victory in our lives.
Consider this
Is God truly the banner that represents every area of your life? Are you living for him first and foremost? Or is he sometimes replaced by your devotion to other people or things self relationships ambition doctrine peace at any cost. This week we are going to reflect on some of the things that may replace God as our banner and remind ourselves to refocus on him.
Lord, I thank you that you are my banner. Sometimes I choose not to walk under your banner. Instead, I put my faith in myself or other people or things instead of you. I put my desires above yours. Please forgive me and help me stay under your banner. In Jesus' name
These thoughts were drawn from
Knowing God My Father: Applying the Names of God to My Personal Life by Jimmy Ray Lee, D.Min. This curriculum is designed to help people strengthen their relationship with their heavenly Father by applying His names to their personal life. Along with helping Christians know God better, it can serve as an evangelistic tool by giving a true picture of God to people who may have a distorted view of Him because of an absent or abusive earthly father who did not or does not provide for them. This group can also help men who want to be better fathers. Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups, and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a personal study for individuals or couples.
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