More than 25 group topics are offered on a variety of topics.
Our materials are designed for group discussion, interaction, and self-discovery. They are not designed to be taught but are instead designed to create an atmosphere where people find lasting change by experiencing interaction with the Word of God, people of God, and the Spirit of God. Because most videos follow a model of an expert teaching a class, they do not lend themselves to our ministry model.
Most of our groups are 9-13 sessions. These can be adjusted to fit a quarterly church calendar.
Living Free is encompasses Christian recovery, but does not concentrate exculsively on addictions. We have a 12-Step curriculum for those who want and need it, but we also have many other curriculums to address specific needs such as anger, depression, family relationships, conflict resolution, prejudice, eating disorders, and many other common needs.
In today’s churches and communities we see the need more and more for relationship-based ministry so that we can help each other deal with struggles faced in daily living. Churches need a healthy combination of corporate worship of God and small groups that focus on relationships and felt needs, drawing people to turn to Jesus and the Word of God to find answers.
You might feel that you don’t need this kind of ministry, but your presence may be the very difference in someone’s life. God calls us to share our lives with others.
We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. … For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory (1 Thessalonians 2:8, 11-12 NIV).
If you are willing to share your life with others in this small group ministry, you may turn out to be a lifesaver to someone who desperately needs help … and in the process, you just might find that you have had needs in your life met as well.
We do not send out samples of our materials, but you may download a personal evaluation copy of many of the materials we produce by going to the Free Resources section of the website. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the sample. This is a free program available from Adobe. You will find a link to download the program in the Free Resources section.
Living Free groups are curriculum driven-we are not trying to train people to be counselors. The groups are established using a group facilitator guide that helps the leader keep the group on target and working within proper guidelines. Living Free groups are Christ-centered-when problems remain the center of the group people tend to remain "stuck". We want people to deal honestly with the problems they face but never lose sight of the fact that their true identity is in Christ and not in their struggles.
Living Free groups are not a "quick fix". We know that the path of Christian growth is a long journey of growing in God's grace that requires diligence in resisting the devil, determination to keep the sinful nature crucified, devotion to God, and dedication to walking in the Spirit.
Living Free groups have a twenty year history of working in churches large and small, urban and rural, formal and informal. Each church can use the materials in a way that fits its style of ministry.
We strive to allow the Bible to speak for itself in our materials, so that almost all Evangelical churches will be comfortable using them. Our authors represent Baptist, Presbyterian, Evangelical Free, Lutheran, Pentecostal, and Non-denominational traditions.
We believe that anyone can benefit from these groups. Whether participants want to gain skills to help others, want to prevent a problem from becoming overwhelming, or are currently trapped by some issue in their lives, they will find these groups relevant.
It is important to remember that no two churches are the same, and each church will use the materials to meet its specific needs. This is why Living Free® provides a general ministry model (plan) that a church adapts to its own ministry situation. The tools are very flexible and can be used in settings such as Sunday evening services, small group settings, cell groups, or Sunday school classes.