Living Free Every Day®
A ministry of
Friday, December 30, 2016
Today's Scripture
"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” (Words of Jesus in Luke 19:10 NLT)
Thoughts for Today
Worship and witness go together. The God whom we passionately worship is passionate about lost humanity. In today's Scripture, Jesus explains that he came to earth to save the lost. To reach out to them. To teach them. And to die on the cross for everyone who has ever lived or will live.
Consider this …
First Corinthians 10:31 (NLT) says, "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
God is not glorified when we show no sensitivity to the sincere seekers among us. We need to seek to accomplish two goals in our mission of worship:
1. Serve God with our praise.
2. Serve people with God's sufficiency.
In a nutshell, what is worship that pleases God? Worship that pleases God attracts the lost and does not confuse or repel them.
Corporate worship can either make unbelievers say, "You're nuts" and leave as fast as they can . . . or make them fall on their face and say, "God is truly among you."
Which is happening in your church?
Father, help us worship you by being sensitive to the lost. By reaching out to them with your love. By being a funnel for your light to shine on them to the point they will worship Jesus passionately. In his name . . .
These thoughts were drawn from …
A Passionate Pursuit of God: Drawing Nearer to Him by Dr. Mike Chapman. This study teaches participant how to move into God's inner circle, how to listen for the voice of God, how to enjoy the freedom of worship, and how to embrace the mission of worship. This 45-minute format will accommodate groups with limited meeting times. Note: This curriculum was written especially for small groups and we encourage people to use it that way. However, it can also be used effectively as a personal study for individuals or couples.
We hope these devotions are a blessing to you and to others in your life. We are happy to provide them for you at no cost, but thought you might want to consider a donation to help our ministry with the expense involved. You can safely donate through our website . Thank you!
©Living Free 2007. Living Free is a registered trademark. Living Free Every Day® devotionals may be reproduced for personal use. When reproduced to share with others, please acknowledge the source as Living Free, Chattanooga, TN, Must have written permission to use in any format to be sold. Permission may be requested by sending an e-mail to